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Today's I Ching for Sarah Michelle Gellar

The coins have been tossed...

Yang (Old)
Yang (Old)
Yang (Old)
Yin (Old)
Yang (New)
Yin (Old)
The present is embodied in Hexagram 6 - Sung (Conflict): Though there is sincerity in one's contention, he will yet meet with opposition and obstruction. If he cherish an apprehensive caution, there will be good fortune. If he prosecute the contention to the bitter end, there will be evil. It will be advantageous to see the great man. It will not be advantageous to cross the great stream.
The first (bottommost) line, divided, shows its subject not perpetuating the matter about which the contention is. He will suffer the small injury of being spoken against, but the end will be fortunate.
The third line, divided, shows its subject keeping in the old place assigned for his support, and firmly correct. Perilous as the position is, there will be good fortune in the end. Should he perchance engage in the king's business, he will not claim the merit of achievement.
The fourth line, undivided, shows its subject unequal to the contention. He returns to the study of Heaven's ordinances, changes his wish to contend, and rests in being firm and correct. There will be good fortune.
The fifth line, undivided, shows its subject contending, and with great good fortune.
The topmost line, undivided, shows how its subject may have the leathern belt conferred on him by the sovereign, and thrice it shall be taken from him in a morning.
The situation is changing rapidly, and Yin (the passive feminine force) is gaining ground.
Yin (New)
Yin (New)
Yin (New)
Yang (New)
Yang (New)
Yang (New)
The future is embodied in Hexagram 11 - T'ai (Peace): We see the lesser gone and greatness come upon us. There will be good fortune, with progress and success.
The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the upper trigram Chi'en (Heaven), which is transforming into K'un (Earth). As part of this process, strength and creativity are giving way to docility and receptivity.
The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the lower trigram K'an (Water), which is transforming into Chi'en (Heaven). As part of this process, danger and the unknown are giving way to strength and creativity.