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Today's Stichomancy for Charlton Heston

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Puck of Pook's Hill by Rudyard Kipling:

But now this game is the other way over - But now England hath taken me!

I had my horse, my shield and banner, And a boy's heart, so whole and free; But now I sing in another manner - But now England hath taken me!

As for my Father in his tower, Asking news of my ship at sea; He will remember his own hour - Tell him England hath taken me!

As for my Mother in her bower,

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Mother by Owen Wister:

way. And don't buy any more Petunias until I tell you the right moment. Do you see where your Amalgamated Electric has gone to?'"

"I had seen this. It had scored a 20-point rise since my purchase of it; and I felt very sorry that I had not taken Mr. Beverly's advice and bought a thousand shares. It had been on a day when I had felt unaccountably cautious, and I had taken only two hundred and fifty shares of Amalgamated Electric. There are days when one is cautious and days when one is venturesome; and they seem to have nothing to do with results."

"'They're going to increase the dividend,' said Mr. Beverly, as I smoked his excellent cigar. 'It's good for twenty points higher by the end of

The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from Danny's Own Story by Don Marquis:

woman's. Which is the kind that gets the biggest piece of pie at the lunch counter and fergits to thank the girl as cuts it big. She was setting in front of a table, twisting her fingers together, and he was walking up and down. I seen he was mad and trying not to show it, and I seen he was scared of the smallpox and trying not to show that, too. And jest about that time something happened that kind o' jolted me.

They was one of them big chairs in the room where they was that has got a high back and spins