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Today's Stichomancy for Lizzie Borden

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Vailima Letters by Robert Louis Stevenson:

might expect to fetch land or meet with any ship, I would like you to tell me. The Pacific is absolutely desert. I have sailed there now some years; and scarce ever seen a ship except in port or close by; I think twice. It was the hurricane season besides, and hurricane waters. Well, our chief engineer got the shaft - it was the middle crank shaft - mended; thrice it was mended, and twice broke down; but now keeps up - only we dare not stop, for it is almost impossible to start again. The captain in the meanwhile crowded her with sail; fifteen sails in all, every stay being gratified with a stay-sail, a boat-boom sent aloft for a maintop-

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from King Henry VI by William Shakespeare:

And made a prey for carrion kites and crows Even of the bonny beast he lov'd so well.

[Enter old CLIFFORD.]

WARWICK. Of one or both of us the time is come.

YORK. Hold, Warwick, seek thee out some other chase, For I myself must hunt this deer to death.

WARWICK. Then, nobly, York; 't is for a crown thou fight'st.-- As I intend, Clifford, to thrive to-day,

The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from The Faith of Men by Jack London:

Company paid yearly to the woman Jees Uck a pension of five thousand dollars.

When he had attained suitable age, Father Champreau laid hands upon the boy, and the time was not long when Jees Uck received letters regularly from the Jesuit college in Maryland. Later on these letters came from Italy, and still later from France. And in the end there returned to Alaska one Father Neil, a man mighty for good in the land, who loved his mother and who ultimately went into a wider field and rose to high authority in the order.

Jees Uck was a young woman when she went back into the North, and men still looked upon her and yearned. But she lived straight, and