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Today's Stichomancy for Michelangelo

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Captain Stormfield by Mark Twain:

"Who? - all the patriarchs? Oh, no - hardly ever more than a couple. You will be here fifty thousand years - maybe more - before you get a glimpse of all the patriarchs and prophets. Since I have been here, Job has been to the front once, and once Ham and Jeremiah both at the same time. But the finest thing that has happened in my day was a year or so ago; that was Charles Peace's reception - him they called 'the Bannercross Murderer' - an Englishman. There were four patriarchs and two prophets on the Grand Stand that time - there hasn't been anything like it since Captain Kidd came; Abel was there - the first time in twelve hundred years. A report got around that Adam was coming; well, of