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Today's Stichomancy for Monica Potter

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Gambara by Honore de Balzac:


"A man whose business it is to cook for all comers can have no political opinions, Excellenza," Giardini went on. "But to see that worthy man, who looks more like a lamb than a lion, everybody would say what I say, were it before the Austrian ambassador himself. Besides, in these times liberty is no longer proscribed; it is going its rounds again. At least, so these good people think," said he, leaning over to speak in the Count's ear, "and why should I thwart their hopes? I, for my part, do not hate an absolute government. Excellenza, every man of talent is for depotism!

"Well, though full of genius, Ottoboni takes no end of pains to
