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Today's Stichomancy for Rosie O'Donnell

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Moran of the Lady Letty by Frank Norris:

the shore, the trio had nothing to wish for in the way of table luxuries.

The shore was absolutely deserted, as well as the back country--an unbroken wilderness of sand and sage. Half a dozen times, Wilbur, wearying of his inaction aboard the schooner, made the entire circuit of the bay from point to point. Standing on one of the latter projections and looking out to the west, the Pacific appeared as empty of life as the land. Never a keel cut those waters, never a sail broke the edge of the horizon, never a feather of smoke spotted the sky where it whitened to meet the sea. Everything was empty--vast, unspeakably desolate--