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Today's Stichomancy for Bill O'Reilly

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy:

"Well, it is satisfactory," said Sue complacently. "Though, after this, it seems rather low to do likewise, and I am glad. However, she is provided for now in a way, I suppose, whatever her faults, poor thing. It is nicer that we are able to think that, than to be uneasy about her. I ought, too, to write to Richard and ask him how he is getting on, perhaps?"

But Jude's attention was still absorbed. Having merely glanced at the announcement he said in a disturbed voice: "Listen to this letter. What shall I say or do?"


Jude the Obscure
The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Thuvia, Maid of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs:

over and over again the door and the windows, the floor and the walls.

The solid ersite slabs she could not even scratch; the tough Barsoomian glass of the windows would have shattered to nothing less than a heavy sledge in the hands of a strong man. The door and the lock were impregnable. There was no escape. And they had stripped her of her weapons so that she could not even anticipate the hour of her doom, thus robbing them of the satisfaction of witnessing her last moments.

When would they come? Would Astok do the deed with

Thuvia, Maid of Mars
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from Salome by Oscar Wilde:

faibles et les forts comme on brise le ble dans un mortier. Mais cet homme n'a jamais vu Dieu. Personne n'a vu Dieu depuis le prophete Elie.

HERODIAS. Faites-les taire. Ils m'ennuient

HERODE. Mais j'ai entendu dire qu'Iokanaan lui-meme est votre prophete Elie.

UN JUIF. Cela ne se peut pas. Depuis le temps du prophete Elie il y a plus de trois cents ans.

HERODE. Il y en a qui disent que c'est le prophete Elie.

UN NAZAREEN. Mais, je suis sur que c'est le prophete Elie.

UN JUIF. Mais non, ce n'est pas le prophete Elie.