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Today's Tarot for Ricky Martin

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The Cross and Triangle spread is a powerful means of understanding complex situations, developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This spread is rich in occult and mystical symbolism, and one of our favorites here at Facade. The images of the Minchiate Tarot are drawn from a rare surviving 18th century deck of 97 cards - 19 more than the traditional Tarot. It is considered by many to be the single most powerful divination tool on the web, providing deep insight, rich in ancient symbolism, to any question you may pose. If you would like your own copy of the Minchiate Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe first card, the significator, is placed in the center of the cross. This card represents the prime energy manifest in your life. Knight of Wands: The essence of fire, such a great conflagration. One filled with vitality and passion for life. A sexy and exciting person, daring in their actions, cocky in their attitude, and utterly without fear. Absolute sincerity, coupled with violent emotions that swing wildly from one extreme to another. Boundless creativity and lust for a change of both pace and place. The rapid approach, or more likely departure, of something that sets your world ablaze. Often suggests travel or escape.
Click for DetailsThe second card, placed above the significator, represents Air. It describes your spirit, process of thought, and the influence of reason. Knight of Cups, when reversed: The dark essence of water behaving as fire, such as a flash flood: Deceptive charm in the service of intense insecurity and rapidly shifting moods. Selfishness, indolence, and a complete lack of maturity. Misguided idealism divorced from practicality. Destructive romantic passions and infidelity.
Click for DetailsThe third card, placed to the right of the significator, represents Fire. It describes your motivations, creative energies, and the influence of passion. Ace of Cups: The seed of a new relationship or spiritual journey - perhaps as yet unseen. An opportunity for joy, contentment, fertility, or enlightenment. Coming to understand the emotional needs of those around you. May represent an unexpected message, a chance meeting, or the start of a friendship or romance.
Click for DetailsThe fourth card, placed below the significator, represents Water. It describes your emotions, meditations, and the influence of love. The Lovers: A caring and trusting relationship. Beauty and inner harmony. A decision calling for emotional control and faithfulness to spiritual values.
Click for DetailsThe fifth card, placed to the left of the significator represents Earth. It describes your physical presence, position in life, and the influence of the material world. Aries, when reversed: Foolhardy actions taken as a result of overconfidence and impatience. Obsession with conflict for the sake of conflict. A hot temper fueled by selfishness. Stooping to any level to win.
Click for DetailsAt this point the cross is complete and the triangle is formed. The sixth card, placed on the bottom left of the triangle represents one of two opposing forces. Virgo: A shy and modest exterior, harboring a sharp analytical mind. Diligence and methodical attention to detail. Reliability and devotion to practical skills and knowledge. Being highly selective and discriminating in all things.
Click for DetailsThe seventh card, placed on the bottom right of the triangle represents the force that opposes the bottom left card. These forces may be external, but they are frequently one's own inner archetypes in conflict. Fire, when reversed: Boundless destructive energy that cannot be restrained. A burst of passion and excitement causing you to scatter your efforts and lose sight of your goals. Wild vacillation, strife, and chaos.
Click for DetailsThe eighth card, the reconciler, is placed below the cross in the third vertex of the triangle. This is the force that will resolve the conflict between the bottom left and bottom right cards. By meditating on this force and bringing more of it into your life, you can bring the matter at hand to a swifter conclusion than would naturally occur. Gemini: General adaptability and versatility guided by an inquisitive mind. Witty and eloquent conversation filled with youthful vitality. A love of variety and travel.
Click for DetailsThe ninth and final card, placed in the center bottom of the triangle, represents the final outcome unless you change course. Page of Cups: The essence of water behaving as earth, such as a wellspring: An unexpected new relationship that is playful and spontaneous. A romantic soul who embraces compassion and imagination with childlike joy. Gentle reflections on love, spirituality, and the importance of personal relationships in business and material affairs. May herald the birth of a child.