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Today's Stichomancy for Peter O'Toole

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle:

the right mind to listen to thee, I could bear well to hear more; but I have two things of seriousness to ask of thee; so listen, I prythee."

At this the jolly Beggar cocked his head on one side, like a rogue of a magpie. Quoth he, "I am an ill jug to pour heavy things into, good friend, and, if I mistake not, thou hast few serious words to spare at any time."

"Nay," quoth jolly Robin, "what I would say first is the most serious of all thoughts to me, to wit, `Where shall I get somewhat to eat and drink?' "

"Sayst thou so?" quoth the Beggar. "Marry, I make no such serious

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood