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Today's Stichomancy for Liv Tyler

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Jungle by Upton Sinclair:

what for--whether or not his victim might be dead, and if so, what they would do with him. Hang him, perhaps, or beat him to death-- nothing would have surprised Jurgis, who knew little of the laws. Yet he had picked up gossip enough to have it occur to him that the loud-voiced man upon the bench might be the notorious Justice Callahan, about whom the people of Packingtown spoke with bated breath.

"Pat" Callahan--"Growler" Pat, as he had been known before he ascended the bench--had begun life as a butcher boy and a bruiser of local reputation; he had gone into politics almost as soon as he had learned to talk, and had held two offices at once before he was old enough to vote. If Scully was the thumb, Pat Callahan