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Today's Bibliomancy for Justin Timberlake

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from King James Bible:

wood with fire: where the ashes are poured out shall he be burnt.

LEV 4:13 And if the whole congregation of Israel sin through ignorance, and the thing be hid from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done somewhat against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning things which should not be done, and are guilty;

LEV 4:14 When the sin, which they have sinned against it, is known, then the congregation shall offer a young bullock for the sin, and bring him before the tabernacle of the congregation.

LEV 4:15 And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands upon the head of the bullock before the LORD: and the bullock shall be killed before the LORD.

King James Bible
The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from King James Bible:

by art and man's device.

ACT 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

ACT 17:31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

ACT 17:32 And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter.

ACT 17:33 So Paul departed from among them.

ACT 17:34 Howbeit certain men clave unto him, and believed: among the

King James Bible
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from King James Bible:

and be ashamed: because thou, LORD, hast holpen me, and comforted me.

PSA 87:1 His foundation is in the holy mountains.

PSA 87:2 The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.

PSA 87:3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah.

PSA 87:4 I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there.

PSA 87:5 And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himself shall establish her.

PSA 87:6 The LORD shall count, when he writeth up the people, that this man was born there. Selah.

King James Bible