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Today's I Ching for Lewis Carroll

The coins have been tossed...

Yang (Old)
Yang (New)
Yin (Old)
Yang (New)
Yang (New)
Yang (New)
The present is embodied in Hexagram 9 - Hsiao Ch'u (The Taming Power of the Small): There will be progress and success. We see dense clouds, but no rain coming from our borders in the west.
The fourth line, divided, shows it subject possessed of sincerity. The danger of bloodshed is thereby averted, and his grounds for apprehension dismissed. There will be no mistake.
The topmost line, undivided, shows how the rain has fallen, and the onward progress is stayed. So must we value the full accumulation of the virtue represented by the upper trigram. A wife exercising restraint, however firm and correct she may be, is in a position of peril, like the moon approaching full. If the superior man prosecutes his measures in such circumstances, there will be evil.
The situation is shifting, but neither Yin (the passive feminine force) nor Yang (the active masculine force) is gaining ground.
Yin (New)
Yang (New)
Yang (New)
Yang (New)
Yang (New)
Yang (New)
The future is embodied in Hexagram 43 - Kuai (Resolve): It is required that the culprit's guilt be exhibited in the royal court, along with a sincere and earnest appeal for sympathy and support, with consciousness of the peril involved in cutting off the criminal. He should also make announcement in his own city, and show that it will not be well to have recourse at once to arms. In this way there will be advantage in whatever he shall go forward to.
The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the upper trigram Sun (Wind), which is transforming into Tui (Lake). As part of this process, penetration and following are giving way to joy, pleasure, and attraction.
The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the lower trigram Chi'en (Heaven), which represents strength and creativity.