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Today's Runes for Angelina Jolie

The Fork spread is used at critical turning points, to understand the dynamics of an important decision. Ice Runes are most commonly used for questions about struggle, conflict, and achievement.
The left rune represents the first possible outcome. Nyd represents many things, most of them unpleasant - heed it well. Constraint, delay, loss, need, and sorrow are all frequently seen in this rune. Nyd speaks most strongly of pause, the hallmark of the both the timid and the patient, and is often interpreted as foretelling a delay in the effect of other runes that it accompanies. Fortunately, even where there is misery and danger there are valuable lessons to be learned - the trick is to learn them before you are overtaken by despair.
The right rune represents the second possible outcome. Inguz is the rune of completion and fertility. The presence of this rune suggests that tasks which have been initiated will come to fruition. This rune is associated with Ing and Frey, it is this connection that explains its connotations of both fertility and sexuality. The variant of this rune shown here is reminiscent of the twin strands of life, and of the challenge and rewards of bringing together things complimentary.
The bottom rune represents the critical factor that determines what will come to pass. Othila is the homeland. Unlike Fehu, this is the rune of immovable wealth. On a deeper level, this rune speaks to that which you inherit, be it material or genetic. Since Othila is seen reversed here, the obstacles you confront are among those things in your background that you take for granted and consider fairly stable. Problems from the "homeland", from familial inheritance, or from our own origins may be worked around, but they cannot be made to go away. Fortunately, for many problems, this is all that is required.