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Today's Runes for Nicole Kidman

The Norn spread is used to plot the crucial elements of past, present, and future, and to reveal the evolution of the situation through the arc of time. Stone Runes are most commonly used for questions about the natural world and things beyond human control.
The left rune represents an important element of the past. Eoh refers to the Yew tree. The Yew does not go dormant and therefore represents endurance. Even the wood of the tree is strong, resilient, and pliable - the Yew bends, but does not break. The evergreen nature of the Yew is present even in the rune itself, as it cannot be changed even by reversal. This rune is historically symbolic of death, but, as in the Tarot and as suggested by the nature of the Yew tree itself, death is seen only as a transmutation of something eternal and unchanging - the spirit.
The middle rune represents a deciding element of the present. Othila is the homeland. Unlike Fehu, this is the rune of immovable wealth. On a deeper level, this rune speaks to that which you inherit, be it material or genetic. Since Othila is seen reversed here, the obstacles you confront are among those things in your background that you take for granted and consider fairly stable. Problems from the "homeland", from familial inheritance, or from our own origins may be worked around, but they cannot be made to go away. Fortunately, for many problems, this is all that is required.
The right rune represents the critical element of the future. Fehu represents cattle the Norse symbol of wealth. This rune has some interesting implications based on the fact that cattle, unlike land, move about of their own accord. Cattle also reproduce, so this rune often speaks of wealth that renews or perpetuates itself. Wealth takes many forms, but this rune generally represents the value that is purely material or monetary in nature. Alternatively, this rune is deeply associated with Frey, and hence can be the harbinger of fertility and children.