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Today's Stichomancy for Calvin Klein

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Under the Red Robe by Stanley Weyman:


'You do not believe me?' he replied. 'Then, I say, look at him! Look at him! If ever shame--'

'Monsieur,' she said abruptly--she did not look at me, 'I am ashamed of myself.'

'But you don't hear me,' the Lieutenant rejoined hotly. 'His very name is not his own! He is not Barthe at all. He is Berault, the gambler, the duellist, the bully; whom if you--'

Again she interrupted him.

'I know it,' she said coldly. 'I know it all; and if you have nothing more to tell me, go, Monsieur. Go!' she continued in a