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Today's Stichomancy for George Orwell

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Youth by Joseph Conrad:

sat, a broken figure at the stern, wet with dew, his hands clasped in his lap. His men were asleep already. 'I had a terrible time of it,' he murmured. 'Mahon is be- hind--not very far.' We conversed in whispers, in low whispers, as if afraid to wake up the land. Guns, thun- der, earthquakes would not have awakened the men just then.

"Looking around as we talked, I saw away at sea a bright light traveling in the night. 'There's a steamer passing the bay,' I said. She was not passing, she was entering, and she even came close and anchored. 'I

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Love Songs by Sara Teasdale:

Falling, falling, Tangled my hair. . . .

The frail white stars moved slowly over the sky.

And now, far off In the fragrant darkness The tree is tremulous again with bloom, For June comes back.

To-night what girl Dreamily before her mirror shakes from her hair This year's blossoms, clinging in its coils?


The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from The Princess by Alfred Tennyson:

As if to speak, but, utterance failing her, She whirled them on to me, as who should say 'Read,' and I read--two letters--one her sire's.

'Fair daughter, when we sent the Prince your way, We knew not your ungracious laws, which learnt, We, conscious of what temper you are built, Came all in haste to hinder wrong, but fell Into his father's hands, who has this night, You lying close upon his territory, Slipt round and in the dark invested you, And here he keeps me hostage for his son.'