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Today's Stichomancy for Keith Richards

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Hamlet by William Shakespeare:

Pol. Giue first admittance to th' Ambassadors, My Newes shall be the Newes to that great Feast

King. Thy selfe do grace to them, and bring them in. He tels me my sweet Queene, that he hath found The head and sourse of all your Sonnes distemper

Qu. I doubt it is no other, but the maine, His Fathers death, and our o're-hasty Marriage. Enter Polonius, Voltumand, and Cornelius.

King. Well, we shall sift him. Welcome good Frends: Say Voltumand, what from our Brother Norwey? Volt. Most faire returne of Greetings, and Desires.
