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Today's Stichomancy for Leon Trotsky

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe:

me about to several of his friends' houses, where I was entertained with great respect. Also I dines several times at his own house, when he took care always to see his half-dead father so out of the way that I never saw him, or he me. I made him one present, and it was all I had of value, and that was one of the gold watches, of which I mentioned above, that I had two in my chest, and this I happened to have with me, and I gave it him at his third visit. I told him I had nothing of any value to bestow but that, and I desired he would now and then kiss it for my sake. I did not indeed tell him that I had stole it from a gentlewoman's side, at a meeting-house in

Moll Flanders