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Today's Stichomancy for Ray Bradbury

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from A Pair of Blue Eyes by Thomas Hardy:

express, allows quite enough leisure for passion of any sort to cool. Elfride's excitement had passed off, and she sat in a kind of stupor during the latter half of the journey. She was aroused by the clanging of the maze of rails over which they traced their way at the entrance to the station.

Is this London?' she said.

'Yes, darling,' said Stephen in a tone of assurance he was far from feeling. To him, no less than to her, the reality so greatly differed from the prefiguring.

She peered out as well as the window, beaded with drops, would allow her, and saw only the lamps, which had just been lit,

A Pair of Blue Eyes