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Today's Stichomancy for T. S. Eliot

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Faraday as a Discoverer by John Tyndall:

The deep radiance, which in his time of strength flashed with such extraordinary power from his countenance, had subsided to a calm and kindly light, by which my latest memory of him is warmed and illuminated. I knelt one day beside him on the carpet and placed my hand upon his knee; he stroked it affectionately, smiled, and murmured, in a low soft voice, the last words that I remember as having been spoken to me by Michael Faraday.

It was my wish and aspiration to play the part of Schiller to this Goethe: and he was at times so strong and joyful--his body so active, and his intellect so clear--as to suggest to me the thought that he, like Goethe, would see the younger man laid low. Destiny