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Today's Tarot for Lucille Ball

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The Three Fates spread is an exceptionally popular way to gain insight into the emerging arc of the past, present, and future. The William Blake Tarot explores the mystical vision and artistry of the renowned English painter and poet. Through rich interpretations focused on creative undertakings, it has long been the deck of choice for artists, writers, musicians, and thinkers. For more information about this deck, or to buy your own personal copy, go to www.blaketarot.com.
Click for DetailsThe left card represents an important element of the past. Eight of Poetry (Swiftness): "Time is the mercy of Eternity: / without Time's swiftness Which is the swiftest of all things: / all were eternal torment". Vigorous and imaginative assertion is strongly indicated. Experiencing the relativity of time. The speeding-up of events or gathering of energy. Falling in love, or being swept off your feet. Everything is up in the air or in process. Flux. Rapid communications across time and space. The Internet. Look for coincidences and serendipity at work. In the creative process: Transcend all illusions of time and space by using your imagination, which can take you anywhere at any time.
Click for DetailsThe middle card represents a deciding element of the present. Three of Music (Exuberance): "Exuberance is Beauty". Sense of emotional expansion. Something that makes you sing for joy. Intense desire for creative expression. A cause for lively celebration. Plunging into creative new territory. Getting people excited about your idea. Supportive alliances or relationships. Entertaining gatherings, performances, meetings, get-togethers. In the creative process: Exciting and joyous progress is taking place; blow your horn!
Click for DetailsThe right card represents a critical element of the future. Knowledge: An important, possibly moral choice to be made. Be discriminating with advice from others. Deep insight into a relationship or one's own involvement in a relationship. A need to integrate all levels of consciousness within oneself. An opportunity for intimacy and open communications.