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Today's Tarot for Pamela Anderson

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The Celtic Cross spread is one of the most popular Tarot spreads, providing varied insight into many aspects of a complex situation and your role in it. The Russian Tarot of Saint Petersburg is the final commissioned work of Yuri Shakov, a master in the lost art of Russian miniature painting. The rich, dark images lend themselves to questions regarding the struggle of the human spirit in trying times. If you would like your own copy of the Russian Tarot of Saint Petersburg, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe card not shown but at the center of the cross, represents the atmosphere surrounding the central issue. Six of Cups (Pleasure): Memories. Past influences. Things that have vanished. Childhood past. Nostalgia. Faded images.
Click for DetailsThe card visible at the center of the cross represents the obstacle that stands in your way - it may even be something that sounds good but is not actually to your benefit. Ten of Cups (Satiety), when reversed: Loss of friendship. Unhappiness. Family quarrel. Pettiness. Rage. Difference of opinion.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top of the cross represents your goal, or the best you can achieve without a dramatic change of priorities. Page of Cups: A studious and intent person. Reflective. Meditative. Loyal. Willingness to offer services and efforts toward a specific goal. A helpful person. A trustworthy worker.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom of the cross represents the foundation on which the situation is based. The Moon: Deception. Twilight. Obscurity. Intuition. Disillusionment. Danger. Bad influence. Ulterior motives. False friends. Selfishness. Deceit. Craftiness. Disgrace. Slander. Libel. Superficiality. Unknown enemies.
Click for DetailsThe card at the left of the cross represents a passing influence or something to be released. The Lovers, when reversed: Failure to meet the test. Unreliability. Separation. Frustration in love and marriage. Interference. Fickleness. Unwise plans.
Click for DetailsThe card at the right of the cross represents an approaching influence or something to be embraced. The Magician: Originality. Creativity. Imagination. Spontaneity. Self-confidence, Ingenuity, Flexibility, Masterfullness, Self-control. Deception. Sleight of hand.
Click for DetailsThe card at the base of the staff represents your role or attitude. Queen of Coins, when reversed: False prosperity. Suspense. Suspicion. Responsibilities neglected. Distrustful person. Far of failure.
Click for DetailsThe card second from the bottom of the staff represents your environment and the people you are interacting with. Queen of Cups: A warm-hearted and fair person. Beloved and adored. Good friend and mother. Devoted wife. Practical. Honest. Loving and intelligent. Gift of vision.
Click for DetailsThe card second from the top of the staff represents your hopes, fears, or an unexpected element that will come into play. Knight of Cups: An invitation or opportunity may soon arise. Arrival. Approach. Advancement. Attraction. Inducement. Appeal. Challenge. Proposal.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top of the staff represents the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course. Queen of Swords, when reversed: Narrow-mindedness. Maliciousness. Bigotry. Deceitfulness. Vengefulness. Prudishness. A treacherous enemy. An ill-tempered person.