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Today's I Ching for Marlon Brando

The yarrow have been drawn....

Yin (New)
Yin (Old)
Yang (Old)
Yang (Old)
Yin (Old)
Yin (New)
The present is embodied in Hexagram 62 - Hsiao Kuo (Preponderance of the Small): In these circumstances which it implies, there will be progress and attainment, but it will be advantageous to be firm and correct. Action may be taken in small affairs, but not in great affairs. Like the notes that come down from a bird on the wing, to descend is better than to ascend. There will, in this way, be great good fortune.
The second line, divided, shows its subject passing by his grandfather, and meeting with his grandmother - not attempting anything against his ruler, but meeting him as his minister. There will be no error.
The third line, undivided, shows its subject taking no extraordinary precautions against danger, and some in consequence finding opportunity to assail and injure him. There will be evil.
The fourth line, undivided, shows its subject falling into no error, but meeting the exigency of his situation, without exceeding in his natural course. If he go forward, there will be peril, and he must be cautious. There is no occasion to be using firmness perpetually.
The fifth line, divided, suggests dense clouds, but no rain, coming from our borders in the west. It also shows the prince shooting his arrow, and taking the bird in a cave.
The situation is changing rapidly, but neither Yin (the passive feminine force) nor Yang (the active masculine force) is gaining ground.
Yin (New)
Yang (New)
Yin (New)
Yin (New)
Yang (New)
Yin (New)
The future is embodied in Hexagram 29 - K'an (Water): We see the possession of sincerity, through which the mind is penetrating. Action in accordance with this will be of high value.
The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the upper trigram Chen (Thunder), which is transforming into K'an (Water). As part of this process, movement, initiative, and action are giving way to danger and the unknown.
The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the lower trigram Ken (Mountain), which is transforming into K'an (Water). As part of this process, stillness and obstruction are giving way to danger and the unknown.