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Today's Stichomancy for Dwight Eisenhower

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Hamlet by William Shakespeare:

May fit vs to our shape, if this should faile; And that our drift looke through our bad performance, 'Twere better not assaid; therefore this Proiect Should haue a backe or second, that might hold, If this should blast in proofe: Soft, let me see Wee'l make a solemne wager on your commings, I ha't: when in your motion you are hot and dry, As make your bowts more violent to the end, And that he cals for drinke; Ile haue prepar'd him A Challice for the nonce; whereon but sipping, If he by chance escape your venom'd stuck,

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from The Yates Pride by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman:

"Land, no," replied Mrs. Glynn. "Didn't she always go there? It isn't that. It is the most unheard-of thing she had done; but no woman, unless she had plenty of money to bring it up, would have done it."

"To bring what up?" asked Abby, sharply. Her eyes looked as small and bright as needles.

Julia regarded her with intense satisfaction. "What do women generally bring up?" said she.

"I don't know of anything they bring up, whether they have it or not, except a baby," retorted Abby, sharply.

Julia wilted a little; but her sister, Mrs. Glynn, was not

The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from A Man of Business by Honore de Balzac:

when his name in politics was 'the courageous Cerizet." He was sent off into a very snug little sub-prefecture. Unluckily for him, it is one thing to be in opposition--any missile is good enough to throw, so long as the flight lasts; but quite another to be in office. Three months later, he was obliged to send in his resignation. Had he not taken it into his head to attempt to win popularity? Still, as he had done nothing as yet to imperil his title of 'courageous Cerizet,' the Government proposed by way of compensation that he should manage a newspaper; nominally an Opposition newspaper, but Ministerialist /in petto/. So the fall of this noble nature was really due to the Government. To Cerizet, as manager of the paper, it was rather too