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Today's Stichomancy for Fritz Lang

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Royalty Restored/London Under Charles II by J. Fitzgerald Molloy:

absent in Flanders, returned to his father's home. He who stood sentinel asked him with whom he would speak, whereon young Edwards said he belonged to the house, and so passed to the apartments where his family resided. The other giving notice of his arrival, the robbers hastened to depart, leaving the sceptre behind them. No sooner had they gone, than the old man struggled to his feet, dragged the gag from his mouth, and cried out in fright: "Treason--murder--murder--treason!" On this his daughter rushed down, and seeing the condition of her father, and noting the absence of the regalia, continued his cry, adding, "The crown is stolen--thieves--thieves!"