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Today's Stichomancy for William Gibson

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield:

his arms enfolded her.

Spoilt their evening! Spoilt their being alone together! They would never be alone together again.


A stout man with a pink face wears dingy white flannel trousers, a blue coat with a pink handkerchief showing, and a straw hat much too small for him, perched at the back of his head. He plays the guitar. A little chap in white canvas shoes, his face hidden under a felt hat like a broken wing, breathes into a flute; and a tall thin fellow, with bursting over-ripe button boots, draws ribbons--long, twisted, streaming ribbons--of tune out of a fiddle. They stand, unsmiling, but not serious, in the broad sunlight