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Today's Bibliomancy for Brad Pitt

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from King James Bible:

timber thereof, and all the morter of the house; and he shall carry them forth out of the city into an unclean place.

LEV 14:46 Moreover he that goeth into the house all the while that it is shut up shall be unclean until the even.

LEV 14:47 And he that lieth in the house shall wash his clothes; and he that eateth in the house shall wash his clothes.

LEV 14:48 And if the priest shall come in, and look upon it, and, behold, the plague hath not spread in the house, after the house was plaistered: then the priest shall pronounce the house clean, because the plague is healed.

LEV 14:49 And he shall take to cleanse the house two birds, and cedar

King James Bible