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Today's Stichomancy for John Wayne

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Symposium by Xenophon:

discussion), they . . ." Or read, after Hartman, "An. Xen." p. 242, {eken} (sc. {o logos}).

Surely I have good reason (he replied). The whole world knows my business is to set them laughing, so when they are in luck's way, they eagerly invite me to a share of it; but if ill betide them, helter- skelter off they go, and never once turn back,[79] so fearful are they I may set them laughing will he nill he.

[79] Plat. "Rep." 620 E; "Laws," 854 C.

Nic. Heavens! you have good reason to be proud; with me it is just the opposite. When any of my friends are doing well, they take good care to turn their backs on me,[80] but if ever it goes ill with them, they

The Symposium