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Today's Stichomancy for Michelangelo

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot:


In the first part of Part V three themes are employed: the journey to Emmaus, the approach to the Chapel Perilous (see Miss Weston's book), and the present decay of eastern Europe.

357. This is _Turdus aonalaschkae pallasii_, the hermit-thrush which I have heard in Quebec County. Chapman says (_Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America_) 'it is most at home in secluded woodland and thickety retreats. . . . Its notes are not remarkable for variety or volume, but in purity and sweetness of tone and exquisite modulation they are unequalled.' Its 'water-dripping song' is justly celebrated.

The Waste Land
The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from The Wheels of Chance by H. G. Wells:

air and bowing courtly.

"Where are we?"


"But WHERE?"

"Chichester Harbour." He waved his arm seaward as though it was a goal.

"Do you think they will follow us?"

"We have turned and turned again."

It seemed to Hoopdriver that he heard her sob. She stood dimly there, holding her machine, and he, holding his, could go no nearer to her to see if she sobbed for weeping or for want of

The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from A Sentimental Journey by Laurence Sterne:

As the poor fellow could not present himself empty, he had loaded himself in going up stairs with a thousand compliments to Madame de L-, on the part of his master, - added a long apocrypha of inquiries after Madame de L-'s health, - told her, that Monsieur his master was AU DESESPOIRE for her re-establishment from the fatigues of her journey, - and, to close all, that Monsieur had received the letter which Madame had done him the honour - And he has done me the honour, said Madame de L-, interrupting La Fleur, to send a billet in return.

Madame de L- had said this with such a tone of reliance upon the fact, that La Fleur had not power to disappoint her expectations; -