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Today's Tarot for Hugo Chavez

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The Twisting Path spread provides insight into the path ahead of you and the choices you must make. This is the spread for situations where more than one pitfall may lie ahead. The Cat People Tarot paints a picture of faraway lands trod by mystical archetypes and their feline companions. This deck is a perfect tool for dreamers and idealists, and is a great choice for divining the nature of human imagination. If you would like your own copy of the Cat People Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe card at the lower left, represents the first decision along your path. Ace of Wands: Creation. Beginning. Invention. Start of an undertaking. Fortune. Enterprise. Gain. Inheritance. Birth of a child. Beginning of a meaningful experience. An adventure. Escapade.
Click for DetailsThe card to the far left represents the first false path that may lead you astray. Ace of Swords, when reversed: Debacle. Tyranny. Disaster. Self-destruction. Violent temper. Embarrassment. Obstacle. Infertility.
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle represents the second decision along your path. The Chariot, when reversed: To be unsuccessful. Defeat. Failure. At the last minute to lose something otherwise within grasp. Sudden collapse of plans. Vanquishment.
Click for DetailsThe card at the lower right represents the second false path that may lead you astray. Ace of Cups: Great abundance. Fulfillment. Perfection. Joy. Fertility. Opulence. Fullness. Happiness. Productiveness. Beauty and pleasure. Goodness overflowing. Favorable outlook.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top represents one possible mask of your true destination. Six of Cups (Pleasure), when reversed: The future. Opportunities ahead. Coming events. New vistas. Plans that may fail. That which will shortly arrive.