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Today's Tarot for Kid Rock

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The Three Fates spread is an exceptionally popular way to gain insight into the emerging arc of the past, present, and future. The images of the Minchiate Tarot are drawn from a rare surviving 18th century deck of 97 cards - 19 more than the traditional Tarot. It is considered by many to be the single most powerful divination tool on the web, providing deep insight, rich in ancient symbolism, to any question you may pose. If you would like your own copy of the Minchiate Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe left card represents an important element of the past. Leo, when reversed: Demanding to be the center of attention. Interfering in matters outside of your responsibility. Being dogmatic and intolerant of others. Coming across as pompous and patronizing.
Click for DetailsThe middle card represents a deciding element of the present. Four of Cups (Luxury), when reversed: New and unusual relationships and opportunities. The reawakening of your appetite for life or love. The path of excess leading to spiritual rejuvenation and the appearance of novel ambitions.
Click for DetailsThe right card represents a critical element of the future. Air: Absolute clarity of thought and freedom from constraint. A playground of infinite expanse in which anything can be dissected until it is understood. A knife edge of infinite sharpness that can slice through matter, energy, or emotion to reach the heart of a matter. The calm and effortless application of absolute focus to any concern.