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Today's Tarot for Josh Hartnett

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The Shadow Truth spread provides insight into your attitudes and hidden feelings. This spread is used when you are having trouble confronting something, or fear that you are concealing something from yourself. The Rider Waite Tarot is the most widely recognized Tarot deck, and the first deck published in the 20th century. It was created by members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and is especially suited to questions of a mystical nature. If you would like your own copy of the Rider Waite Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe card in the center represents the attitude you assume. Seven of Pentacles (Assessment): A pause to check on the progress of your labors. Making difficult financial decisions. Exercising patience and perseverance. Evaluating the status of your work and your options for the future.
Click for DetailsThe card to the right represents the thoughts and feelings that underly your attitudes. Six of Swords (Science): Trusting in intelligence and intuition and setting off into the unknown. Leaving an untenable situation and charting a new course. Passage from difficulty and progress towards a solution. The road to recovery. Travel and exploration.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top represents how your attitude is evolving and will evolve in the future. Eight of Swords (Interference): Chagrin at the unforeseen consequences of prior decisions. Criticism, censure, and the imposition of external restrictions. Confusion leading to powerlessness. Inability to focus on the crux of a problem and free oneself from a difficult situation. Being hamstrung by a past failure or humiliation.
Click for DetailsThe card to the left represents how others perceive your attitude. Ace of Pentacles, when reversed: The seed of luxury, debauchery, and physical gratification. The seductions of the material world draw you away from an opportunity for stability and comfort. The need to focus on the practical and understand the dynamics of your environment. May represent a gift, document, inheritance, or physical event.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom represents what you cannot confront or are hiding from yourself. Page of Cups, when reversed: The dark essence of water behaving as earth, such as a wellspring: An unexpected new relationship that is childish and foolish. An idle dreamer oblivious to the realities of the world. Moodiness, sad reflection, and retreat from society. Seduction and deception in personal and business relationships.