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Today's Stichomancy for Jude Law

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Call of the Canyon by Zane Grey:

written, was the grand, brooding, sculptured aspect of nature. And it must have been so because thousands of years before the age of saints or preachers--before the fret and symbol and figure were cut in stone-man must have watched with thought--developing sight the wonders of the earth, the monuments of time, the glooming of the dark-blue sea, the handiwork of God.

In May, Carley returned to Flagstaff to take up with earnest inspiration the labors of homebuilding in a primitive land.

It required two trucks to transport her baggage and purchases out to Deep Lake. The road was good for eighteen miles of the distance, until it branched off to reach her land, and from there it was desert rock and sand. But eventually they made it; and Carley found herself and belongings dumped

The Call of the Canyon