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Today's Stichomancy for Antonio Banderas

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Some Reminiscences by Joseph Conrad:

other sayings--I am quoting from memory--I remember this solemn admonition: "Let all thy words have the accent of heroic truth." The accent of heroic truth! This is very fine, but I am thinking that it is an easy matter for an austere Emperor to jot down grandiose advice. Most of the working truths on this earth are humble, not heroic: and there have been times in the history of mankind when the accents of heroic truth have moved it to nothing but derision.

Nobody will expect to find between the covers of this little book words of extraordinary potency or accents of irresistible heroism. However humiliating for my self-esteem, I must confess

Some Reminiscences
The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy:

The handsome sergeant's features were during this speech as rigid and stern as John Knox's in addressing his gay young queen. Seeing she made no reply, he said, "Do you read French?" "No; I began, but when I got to the verbs, father died." she said simply. "I do -- when I have an opportunity, which latterly has not been often (my mother was a Parisienne) -- and there's a proverb they have, Qui aime bien chatie bien -- "He chastens who loves well." Do you understand

Far From the Madding Crowd
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom by William and Ellen Craft:

wife's fully realizing the solemn fact that we had to take our lives, as it were, in our hands, and contest every inch of the thousand miles of slave territory over which we had to pass, it made her heart almost sink within her, and, had I known them at that time, I would have repeated the following en- couraging lines, which may not be out of place here--

"The hill, though high, I covet to ascend, The DIFFICULTY WILL NOT ME OFFEND; For I perceive the way to life lies here:

Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom