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Today's Tarot for Freddie Prinze Jr.

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The Relationship spread provides insight into the interaction between two people or entities. It is the spread of choice for questions about partnerships, be they in romance or business. The William Blake Tarot explores the mystical vision and artistry of the renowned English painter and poet. Through rich interpretations focused on creative undertakings, it has long been the deck of choice for artists, writers, musicians, and thinkers. For more information about this deck, or to buy your own personal copy, go to www.blaketarot.com.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top left represents how you see yourself. Transformation: Eliminating something old to make room for something new. A major change or metamorphosis is at hand. Renewal. Preparing for the future. Letting-go is advised, even if difficult. Acceptance of what is inevitable. Cutting your losses. Stripping away the excess or superfluous.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top right represents how you see your partner. Ace of Poetry (Inspiration): "I come in Self-annihilation & the grandeur of Inspiration / To cast of Rational Demonstration by Faith in the Saviour / To cast off the rotten rags of Memory by Inspiration / To cast aside from Poetry all that is not Inspiration". The kiss of divine inspiration. Receiving an impetus to creative action. Getting in touch with higher consciousness or Spirit. Experiencing a personal vision of truth, beauty, ecstasy. Discovering sexuality as a metaphor for imaginative experience. Sense of being guided by a higher force. The "Yes!" card. A soulful new beginning. In the creative process: Being in contact with the purest and highest part of your being provides the impetus for fresh expressions in both art and life.
Click for DetailsThe card in the center left represents how you feel about your partner. Energy: Invigorated with lust for life and abundance of vitality. Relying on your physical strength and endurance. Honoring your natural instincts. Looking to animal or totem forces as allies to help you. Multiple or multilingual modes of expression. Gentle guidance. Having the courage of your convictions.
Click for DetailsThe card in the center right represents what stands between you and your partner. Two of Painting (Balance), when reversed: A choice regarding something tangible or physical. Lack of harmony. Negotiation spiraling out of control. Stretching your abilities to reconcile differences well beyond their limits. In the creative process: A breach in the project requires inner strength and timely decisions; stick with the task and seek cooperative assistance.
Click for DetailsThe card in the lower left represents how your partner sees you. Magic, when reversed: Loss of control over the situation. Misdirection of powerful forces. Squandering the available resources. Ineffective communication. Taking action at the wrong time or in the wrong context. The use of naked aggressiveness when subtlety is required. Lack of tools and skills.
Click for DetailsThe card in the lower right represents what your partner feels about you. Eight of Music (Discontent): "Clouded with discontent & brooding in their minds terrible things". Disappointment or dissatisfaction. Troubled emotions below the surface. Feeling at the mercy of circumstances. Possibility of emotional breakdown. Fears of what may happen. Apprehensions about the unknown. Paranoia. Feelings of missing out on something. Former values and friends no longer interest you. Wanting to escape the situation. In the creative process: Psychodrama and emotional torments can serve as imaginative stimulants. Expressing and documenting what you feel can be artful as well as healing.
Click for DetailsThe card in the center represents the present status or challenge of the relationship. Woman of Science: Seeking out pertinent data. Methodical approach to a problem. Looking within yourself for answers. Upholding truth. Counseling others. Forming opinions based on observation and deduction. Weighing abstract ideas. Avoiding personal involvement. Demonstrating principles. Self-discipline. Be cautious of becoming opinionated or over-professional. In the creative process: Now is the time to research and gather information, get an overview, and make long-range plans and strategies.