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Today's Tarot for Mike Myers

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The Cross and Triangle spread is a powerful means of understanding complex situations, developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This spread is rich in occult and mystical symbolism, and one of our favorites here at Facade. The images of the Minchiate Tarot are drawn from a rare surviving 18th century deck of 97 cards - 19 more than the traditional Tarot. It is considered by many to be the single most powerful divination tool on the web, providing deep insight, rich in ancient symbolism, to any question you may pose. If you would like your own copy of the Minchiate Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe first card, the significator, is placed in the center of the cross. This card represents the prime energy manifest in your life. Aries, when reversed: Foolhardy actions taken as a result of overconfidence and impatience. Obsession with conflict for the sake of conflict. A hot temper fueled by selfishness. Stooping to any level to win.
Click for DetailsThe second card, placed above the significator, represents Air. It describes your spirit, process of thought, and the influence of reason. Aquarius, when reversed: An intractable and contrary eccentric, driven by destructive perversity. Detachment and lack of sympathy. Contempt for the emotional needs of others.
Click for DetailsThe third card, placed to the right of the significator, represents Fire. It describes your motivations, creative energies, and the influence of passion. Four of Coins (Power): Cleaving to earthly power in the desperate fear that it will be lost. Making yourself an obstacle to progress due to lack of originality and a desperate fear of change. Believing that security and identity are based primarily on the possession of material things. Coveting things and people. Living in a cloud of suspicion and prejudice.
Click for DetailsThe fourth card, placed below the significator, represents Water. It describes your emotions, meditations, and the influence of love. The World, when reversed: Incompleteness and shoddy design. A great work betrayed. Insecurity, fear of change, and the failure to reach goals. Regret and disappointment.
Click for DetailsThe fifth card, placed to the left of the significator represents Earth. It describes your physical presence, position in life, and the influence of the material world. Water, when reversed: A limitless depth of emotion in which to lose yourself. An idle state of passivity and submission. The dark and unknown terrors of the collective unconscious. The embrace of suffocating unconditional love. The inability to project an identity different from that of the observer. Withdrawal from the external world.
Click for DetailsAt this point the cross is complete and the triangle is formed. The sixth card, placed on the bottom left of the triangle represents one of two opposing forces. Seven of Swords (Futility): An opportunity to withdraw from a hopeless situation and fight another day. Disengagement from a struggle you should never have been involved in. A desperate attempt to resolve a matter without conflict. The use of cleverness or outright deception to turn the tide in your favor.
Click for DetailsThe seventh card, placed on the bottom right of the triangle represents the force that opposes the bottom left card. These forces may be external, but they are frequently one's own inner archetypes in conflict. King of Swords: The essence of air, such as a clear blue sky: A mature leader of unwavering ethics and indisputable authority. An incorruptible judge, whose devotion to the law cannot be swayed by emotion or material concerns. Perfect clarity of thought, directness of action, and eloquence of speech. One who, like a great general, inspires not love or devotion, but absolute trust and loyalty.
Click for DetailsThe eighth card, the reconciler, is placed below the cross in the third vertex of the triangle. This is the force that will resolve the conflict between the bottom left and bottom right cards. By meditating on this force and bringing more of it into your life, you can bring the matter at hand to a swifter conclusion than would naturally occur. Nine of Wands (Strength), when reversed: Delayed preparations for an impending trial. Efforts compromised by traitors or saboteurs. The scattering of forces before the conclusive battle is fought. Ill health and faltering of the will.
Click for DetailsThe ninth and final card, placed in the center bottom of the triangle, represents the final outcome unless you change course. Fame: Personal glory and public accolade. Being treated as a celebrity by those you meet. The opening of doors and a flood of opportunities. An abundance of power and influence.