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Today's Stichomancy for John Wayne

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Europeans by Henry James:

he suddenly asked, laying down his palette. This was not what Felix had been trying to think of, but it was a tolerable stop-gap.

Mr. Brand frowned--as much as a man can frown who has very fair, soft eyebrows, and, beneath them, very gentle, tranquil eyes. "No, I have not preached any sermon to-day. Did you bring me over here for the purpose of making that inquiry?"

Felix saw that he was irritated, and he regretted it immensely; but he had no fear of not being, in the end, agreeable to Mr. Brand. He looked at him, smiling and laying his hand on his arm. "No, no, not for that--not for that. I wanted to ask you something; I wanted to tell you something. I am sure it will interest